Maybe this is the place to get this off my chest. I happen to strongly dislike the people in nursing school who turn a routine _____ (insert topic here) lecture into a therapy session as they rehash the stories of their childbirths, family deaths, ED visits with kamikaze kids..yadda yadda yadda.
But, I have one of those stories (actually two, ok three). So in an attempt not to tick off fellow classmates this fall, and in an attempt for penance for recounting one story during first sem, here are my stories.
He Has What?my mom was diagnosed w/ multiple myeloma. she was sent to karmanos for a stem cell transplant, 2 days after the transplant, my dad is sitting at her bedside and complains of chest pain. the nurse sends him down to the ED, they draw his blood and "what the fu$%" was almost audible when the doc read the labs...leukemia...serious leukemia...gonna die in a few days leukemia. that was a thursday night. On monday night at 11, he died. My brother and I were frequent flyers on the hospital elevators as we spent an hour at one bedside and another hour at the other bedside. At one point, they wheeled in my dad in his hospital bed, parked it next to my moms bed and all they had the strength for was to hold each others hand. God, what a pitiful picture seared in my head for eternity. Cancer sucks, I want to defeat it, I want to kill it and stomp on it and mash it into the ground like you do with a nasty looking bug on the sidewalk. I want to be an oncology nurse...I think. I want the nurses who cared for my dad to know they were awesome, they made a difference, they cared for him technically and with a human love that exceeds technology.
Don't Push!I have four kids, how can I not share a birthing experience...
I weaseld my way into getting induced 2 weeks early. I was geeked, a planned birth w/ an epidural in place even before the first contraction...BONUS! The doc says, well, why dont you walk over to l/d, we'll get the epidural placed, Ill break your water and you'll be nursing by Jeopardy. BONUS! I walk over to l/d...pain free so far BONUS! oh, wait, I think this is a contrac....oh shit this hurts....the nurse (goddess) says sit on the edge of the bed, curl your back like a cat and we'll get the epidural placed. I sit...GUSH...water all over the floor (its so warm...did I just pee my pants?) The nurse (not so goddess like anymore) says..."that was your water, you're not getting an epidural, lets check you, swing your legs up on the bed...(this is where I wish I could insert the noise a pinball machine makes when you loose your last ball)
I open my legs and out comes a head...Im now screaming (sorry, I cant help it) the nurse closes my knees and says DO NOT PUSH. (where is the doc? the instrument table isn't even set up...)
Dont Push? Are you freaking kidding me?? You may be a seasoned l/d nurse, but have you ever had a kid? I have to push, its a little beyond my control at this point. So the baby's out, the doc makes it in to "catch" and the nurse hands the baby to me and says "here, hold her until I can get the warmer turned on" Needless to say, I was nursing my baby during Guiding Light, not Jeopardy.
I think I want to be an l/d nurse.
Good Griplast one and I will be done...(remember I have four kids)
Same scenario, I conned my way into an early delivery, although they were a bit more cautious this time given the speediness of baby #3.
Epidural is in this time, but it only took on one side (this should feel interesting). This nurse checks often, Im progressing quickly-big surprise, they broke my water, doc checks and Im at 7, and "oh" she says, "he has a good little grip." WHAT THE F%^$? what do you mean he has a good little grip? He was presenting with his hand, I was at a seven, ready to deliver in short order. I've never seen nurses and a doctor move so fast in my life (no, I haven't rotated in ED yet) I was on my way to OR for a c-section. BUT WAIT I say...DO NOT CUT...I can feel half of my body (and not the half from waist up) After it was all said and done, I could barely feel my chest...and my b/p was 40 over something...uh, Im feeling a tich liquidated over here....
I learned I could never be a nurse anesthetist, but again I think I would enjoy labor and delivery
Ok, so my stories have been broadcast, I promise not to be the one in class who monopolizes the lecture with my war stories. We all have them, and we will all collect them as we ride this crazy coaster called nursing.