What is a "meme"?
meme n (mëm): A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. From the Greek mimëma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.
Definition: In the world of blogs and bloggers, a meme is an idea, question, statement or project that is posted in one blog and answered to in many other blogs. Memes are used to propagate ideas in the blogosphere. Some blogs or web sites post memes on a daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. description taken from:http://weblogs.about.com/cs/blogsglossary/g/memes.htm1) Are you happy/satisfied with your blog's content and look?I like my look, for a newbie-I subscribe to the mantra, Keep It Simple, Baby. I would like to add some more non-blog related links...I have a few but there are so many more out there.
2) Does your family know about your blog?Yes. I wish they would read it more often though. Occasionaly my hubby posts a comment or two, like when he gets jelous of my admiration of Hugh Laurie...lol
3) Do you feel embarrassed to let your friends know about your blog? No, in fact I wish more would read it, because they would discover all the good nurses out there who blog.
Do you consider it a private thing? I haven't really had an experience I wanted to blog about that would need to be kept private, so no.
4) Did blogging cause positive changes in your thoughts? Not really, but I am now always thinking how an experience could be a good post or thinking about the catch phrase for a blog story that would interest readers.
5) Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or do you love to go and discover more by yourself? Im always looking for new ones, medical and non-medical alike. (I will say, however, there are some WEIRD blogs out there...cue Twilight Zone music)
6) What does a visitor counter mean to you? I have yet to decide if that many people have actually looked and read parts of my blog, or if the site counts spammers, etc.
Do you like having one on your blog? I will admit, part of the reason I blog is to get interaction with others, so I rely on the counter to reassure me Im not a lone voice in the wilderness.
7) Did you try to imagine your fellow bloggers and give them real pictures?Uh, no. Thats a little weird for me. If a doc leaves a comment I picture a guy in a white lab coat, if a nurse comments, I see someone in scrubs, unless its Kim from
Emergiblog, then I see I nurse in all whites with a gleaming white nurses cap on...(shameless aren't I?)
8) Admit it. Do you think there is any real benefit in blogging? I am so excited to answer this...YES YES YES! It has been a huge force in empowering me to see physicians as approachable, witty, and down-to-earth. It has also given me a real-life peek at what real nurses do for a living, and given me a chance to elicit valuable and applicable advice.
9) Do you think that blogger's society is isolated from the real world or interaction with events? No in fact if the model works correctly, it can offer more sides to a topic that one would normallyexposedosed to.
10) Does criticism annoy you or do you feel it's a normal thing? Hasn't happened yet, but I can take it on the chin and assign value as its appropriate. I am my toughest critic anyways.
11) Do you fear some political blogs and avoid them? I avoid them completely. Im not strong enough in my own political belief's to be reading those and then able to sort out quality from junk.
12) Were you shocked by the arrest of some bloggers? America may have the illusion of free speech, but I have never thought it was unfettered. There are always people watching and reading, and there are always lines that can be crossed.
13) What do you think will happen to your blog after you die? not sure. I hope someone will at least sign me off from it officially.
14) What song do you like to hear? I personally was in awe of Grand Rounds when it was hosted by,
MexicoMedStudent the background classical music completed my reading experience. Unfortunately, because I have been known to read said carnival during lecture, (hence-incognito) the music is a treat I could only seldom enjoy.
What song would you like to link to on your blog? like the pics on my blog, it would have to change for each post.
15) The next victims? Originally, I told
Moof that this meme is for the seasoned blogger and I would like to see some of the doc bloggers respond to it, so...
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